Xenicluvs !!

I post queer flags and xenogenders!
You can send requests via my tellonym
like pinned after reading

ʚ *About admin * ɞ

Azira/Jeddie/Violet ++
17, blk+yt, auDHD, angelkin
xenic transmasc boy+
Ambiamoric bi/omni rosespec
Perisex, able-bodied, singlet,

DNI & BYF & Notes

also if you support/toleratebasic dni, expanded ver.
pro/irl shipper,mspec lesbians/gays,
toothpaste flag usersed/shtwt, nsfw acc
please dm me if I do anything problematic/make you uncomfortable,Feel free to follow my main @TriStampede, nothing i ever say is /r
i only follow (back) other flag or gimmick accountsDont call me any slurs if you're white (excluding queer),
I try to avoid discourse but occasionally respond to hate replies, I get stressed easilyI dont have push notifs on and may be late to reply to things
Please us all my names and pronouns, no they/themPlease use tone indicators, PQRTS iffy
Dm me to be added to my tag list (I’ll tag you whenever I post a flag), Feel free to tag me in your flags/genders!!If you ever need to talk to someone or need advice i'm always willing to listen, but ask before you vent


I take requests/ideas for flags of identities and for xenogenders!Explain your idea in as much detail as possible, including definition and (optional) name and colours for the flag.
i'm ok with people making alt flags for identities i coined but credit meI delete any requests im not comfortable with without explanation, ==do not submit more then 2 requests at a time==
Do not use my flags if your in my dniplease add your @ if you want to be tagged in a request
For more info see tellonym's pinned reply !!Req in tellonym, or dms; queue

Will and Wont do

Will do

  • Bisexual/mspec, aroacespec, trans, transmasc, non-binary, ambiamoric flags

  • Xenogender coining and flags

  • Xenogenders based on characters or song/albums (no roleplay characters)

  • Flags for pronouns/pronoun combinations

  • ADHD flags, autism flags, black exclusive flags, otherkin flags

  • colourpick existing flags from images

  • i delete request without explanation if i dont want to make it

Wont do

  • Flags for identity’s that aren’t mine (excluding xenogenders)

  • flags for minorities that im not a part of

  • genders related to real people (fex dreamgender)

  • IFFY

  • Genshin impact, homestuck, FNAF,

  • Charic/show-based genders for characters/shows i dont know

  • Anything i dont want to